Adblock Plus Help
Blocking Google Analytics

Google Analytics is now free, and almost 250,000 sites signed up to use it in the first week of operation.

This site currently uses Google Analytics. If you do not want to be tracked, blacklist:

G has got going on to a whitelist filterset. It's over at It is happy with the Intellitext DIVs and so forth.

I'm working through a help file for Adblock Plus, it'll be out shortly after the next release of Adblock Plus. You'll see it here first.

Also looking at Adblock detection script - here's a bit that you can throw in. It works best just before the closing </HTML> tag.

if (window._AdblockFiltered)
    alert("You are using Adblock to block ads")

I've added a cookie, so as you're not bombarded with the alert each time you reload the page. Try it here.

AdBlock Plus 0.5.7

You no longer have to watch out for the <div> blocking with whitespace - that's been cleared up.

Note that Filterset.G doesn't support <div> blocking, and so may cause false positives in some <div> IDs.

Blocking <div> elements

Watch out when blocking <div> elements that contain spaces in the DIV names. Spaces are not expected in by Adblock and are actually used to deliminate filters when they are stored internally. A DIV that has a space in the name will be stored as two seperate filters,and will cause unexpected behavior.


Synchronization is no longer an "about:config" hack - there's configuration right in the interface.

If you are upgrading to the trunk builds of Firefox from 1.0.4 you must follow Zachariah's post to get AdBlock to work. It's also recommended to follow his post if others can't reproduce your problems.

Problems can be posted to this forum, where the most up to date versions of the file will also hang out.

Remote Synchronization

The mcm_ham variant of the Ghastly Whitelist Hack supports synchronization over HTTP. There are two options: The string value "adblock.synclist" that sets the location and the boolean value "adblock.syncatstart" that tells Adblock to get the latest automatically.

To implement this:

  1. Go to "about:config"
  2. Add new String named "adblock.synclist". Set the value to be the URL of the list that you will synchronize with. URLs like "file:///" and like "http://" are accepted.
  3. Test from "Adblock Preferences" window, select "Help - Load from Web".
  4. Optionally, return to "about:config" and add a new Boolean named "adblock.syncatstart" and set to "true".

Note that the last, optional step effectively prevents the profile from maintaining it's own set of filters - whenever Adblock Preferences are opened, the filters will be sync'ed with the server version.


Here's a mostly complete list of the features in the current build. Whitelist specific features:

  • Filters starting with '@@' are treated as "Whitelist" filters - any URL matching the filter will not be blocked.
  • Whitelist filters can appear anywhere in the filterlist.
  • '@@' filter (that is, '@@' followed by no filter) is not allowed, as this filter would whitelist all content.

Additional features:

  • Right-click of Adblock Icon in bottom-right allows enable/disable of Adblock (for those anti-keyboard folks).
  • Adblock in bottom-right is iconic, no longer text.
  • Re-bundled to support install on development trunk of Firefox (untested), removed install support for FX0.7 and prior (Javascript based install).
What It Does

The Adblock Ghastly Whitelist Hack allows the selective un-blocking of URLs that would otherwise be blocked. Whitelist filters start with the @ character repeated twice:


The above filter is an easy way of solving the occaisional blocking of content iframes in Gmail.

Note that a whitelist filter does not prevent other filters from being processed - for example, the filter:

This filter will allow the ad-containing frames to load on the top and left of the page, but other Adblock filters can exist to preven those frames from populating with adverts from other servers (like

Nothing Here

Haven't actually gotten around to putting content in here yet. Will do shortly.